Words to Ease Your Soul Read online

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  Today’s a gift, a chance to grow and lose concern

  for all the past, for all that’s gone.

  Each new day comes before the dawn

  so let it bring you what you need, the lessons

  that can make you strong and help you grow.

  Within the present is the gift

  for you alone, so never wish your days to be done

  but take each day with grace

  for what you need is here and now.

  And if events upset your plans,

  don’t feel displaced, remember that

  it’s all about the striving not the reaching

  and you will achieve your heart’s desire,

  don’t doubt it.

  We’ve told you once and we shall again,

  your path is right

  and if you look beyond what you can see

  you’ll know we’re waiting, listening out

  and we can help you now.

  So open up the gate, step through

  without a thought of looking back,

  and you’ll find inner strength

  and none can doubt your will today.

  And when you feel you can’t move on,

  exhausted by today,

  you must remember there’s a plan

  where we’re all joined to manifest reality;

  you only must believe

  and all solutions that you need are given free.

  We are together, part of you within your soul,

  to help you live your life today.

  Leap of Faith

  I am at the end of my rope! This is the end of the road! Time to give up now... We hear this every day. Each of you will go through something akin to despair and feel so shaken that you believe there is no escape, no way out of the quagmire you believe is your life.

  I am here to tell you that this is not the case. This is not the way we want you to act; and you also know deep within you that this is not the way you want to be either. These most difficult of times are when we are with you, very close, almost like a second skin. And it is at these times when you spiritually leap forward in your lives, in your souls’ growth, and find out the real measure of you.

  Perhaps you are standing on a cliff edge and as you look below you can’t see what is there and it frightens you. Somewhere in your psyche you have belief, but there are times when you do not feel it. So can you step off into that abyss? Are you scared? Of course you are. But are you alone on that edge? No, of course you are not for we are all around. We have put your wings on your back; and there is no doubt that the moment you step off the edge you will fly on the wings of change and opportunity, strengthened by our love. It is a matter of faith.

  Opportunity is not always packaged in the way we think it should be. It is not always tied with a big ribbon, but sometimes in nondescript brown paper and we just have to accept it for what it is. Maybe you do not want to do that, but no-one said life was going to be easy. It is a fact if that you really want something to occur, it is totally achievable. Your mind has the capacity to bring you all you need and want; but if you do not want to put the effort into getting it, then it will not happen because you could not have wanted it that much in the beginning. It’s simple. This is your life, your experiences and your choices, and if they agree with others’ it is only because you have chosen so.

  Then again, you may make a change and find that it just flows; then you will wish you had done it before and will wonder what it was you were afraid of in the first place. Well, you won’t know until you try it, will you?

  So what is this faith and where is it found? Everyone can choose what to put their faith in, so start with yourself. Faith in yourself will never let you down because you are just as you are meant to be any time. Use your skills to build your faith in whatever and whomever you choose. Not all of these will work out for you - you will be let down by others and you may let them down too - but we all make mistakes; it is a question of balance that must be maintained. It is the spiritual law. Fear not, it is all part of the plan.

  So as you step off into your future, do you hear the whisper of the wind and feel the wings on your back supporting you as you move forward? Do you feel the warmth of our love? It is there, it is always there. So leap and find your faith.

  Where Do You Live?

  ‘Religion is for people who are afraid of going to Hell;

  spirituality is for those who have already been there.’

  This is very thought-provoking. Most religion does imply that there are two places for you to go to after the passing of your current existence. One is good and one is not so good. And it all depends on how you act out your life. Partly this is true, in that your life and all you do in it is your own responsibility. No-one can force you to do anything you do not want to. However, there being ‘two places’ is incorrect. There is only one - at least, for the time you choose to be there.

  It is a different place, a parallel universe that is full of developing possibilities for you to grow and learn and understand more. This place has many names across many worlds and dimensions; indeed, it is a world in its own right. Whatever you call this place is fine by us - we just call it ‘home’. Within it, you will go to wherever you need to be, but rest assured that you will all go there. No-one is excluded; everyone has a soul and a personality, do they not? The universal laws will decide each one’s eventual destination.

  So where is it that you live, where do you currently call ‘home’? Is it filled with beautiful furniture and do you have precious possessions? Are you a person of fame? Or are you someone who owns very little materially and perhaps would like more? The material attributes themselves mean nothing on this side of life, only the way that you obtained them matters. Did you treat people correctly? Did you share kindness? Did you give to others on your life path? Did you even know you were being tested, to see what you would decide, and that the decision to do this was your own? Well, you do now! What are you going to do about it?

  Have you judged others? Of course you have, everyone does; opinion and judgement are awfully close, it’s just the feelings and thoughts behind them that make the difference. So be careful: what you sow, so shall you reap. That said, not everyone can be charitable all of the time. Sometimes you have to hide away and take care of yourself first. And everyone has strong emotions, responses brought on by the soul, by who we are, and we all respond differently on the physical plane. You will see the results when you come here, how your actions and decisions affected others whether you knew it or not. You will be shown what the point of it all was. You knew there had to be one - it could not be all for nothing.

  When you come over to the spirit side of life, it can take a short while to adjust, depending on your circumstances. You forget very quickly the physical possessions. However, your loved ones are an entirely different matter; that bond is forged through love and you cannot escape it even if you want to. The feeling permeates everything you know and are and it will show you the way. There is a lot to learn and to see on this side - we do not call it a world for nothing - and the opportunity to be the real you is most refreshing. Do not fret, you will be supported and helped. Your family and friends will be with you all the way through your journey for as long as you wish, until the point that you decide to do something more.

  Who you are now is transitory and you are changing every day, so enjoy the challenges of life. When you come here it will be like coming home.

  Who You Are Today

  Do you know who you are today? Is it someone you know well? Or are you going through a metamorphosis yet? We cannot always stay in the situations we find ourselves in. We all have to move on and our souls and energies will evolve over time to bring us to a point of massive change. It will happen to all of us at some point. So is yours near?

  When it happens, the best advice would be to hold on tight and to know that it is meant to be. It is a rollercoaster and the ride can be very fast. It is in th
ese times that we doubt ourselves. Situations we are experiencing may not be of our own making but we are still meant to live through it; so we must use our strength, wherever we find it, and use it to manifest our change. It will happen whether we fight it or go with it. You may ask “Why me?” Well, why not? It is just meant to be, part of the soul’s journey along with that of others who interact with us. Everyone is connected. Some of these others we may judge and dislike, but we all have to see both sides of the coin. People will test us and push us, but then how do we know light until we have had the dark? We all know right from wrong in our hearts, it is intrinsic to who we are.

  We wish you all love and strength and may the words you read here inspire you on your path. If you can share your own thoughts with others, be brave and share the troubles, it may be a little easier. Remember, the destination is written but the journey is not and we do all have choices along the way. The problem is figuring out which ones are good for you and which are not. If you share your life and thoughts with spirit and with the people close to you, you will be moved to act in the correct ways. Don’t hide yourself away. The problem is that if you climb into a big black hole, the sides are smooth and steep and getting yourself out will be very difficult. On the other hand, there is a way out at any time - you just have to believe that you can do it.

  Believe in spirit. We love you and care for you and we hope that in these words you find the promise to move forward. Believe in yourself even if no-one else seems to - that is the first step to perfection. It will not be reached in a hurry, there will be many steps and many lifetimes, so that should give you hope because you get more than one chance to succeed. The choice is yours, it always shall be yours.

  Feel our wings around you, feel our love by your side, and watch out for the angels in your daily life - the ones without wings - for they are there to bring you hope and to make you smile. You are loved so give love, as love is all.


  Are the eyes that flame with love human?

  Is the love that burns, yours for the taking?


  Open your heart and feel the arms wrap around you,

  keeping you safe from pain,

  loving you, urging your soul to soar.

  Close your eyes

  and feel me...

  True Purpose

  When the true purpose of what is happening is hidden from your view and your frustration is causing you fear - hang on in there. It may not make any sense now, but one day it will. A blessing is on its way to you. It will bring great change and purpose to your life and once that happens many more blessings will follow. So hold tight and feel the love around you.

  That Feeling

  Close your eyes.

  Feel my breath on your cheek

  and my hand on your shoulder.

  I am very close.

  Can you hear my voice?

  Listen, I am here,

  don’t ever doubt me.

  Our hearts are one,

  beating together like a drum

  that’s part of you and part of me.

  You fill my soul with your lilting voice.

  Let me fill your heart with my love.

  Let me ease your journey.

  Let me love you, adore you.

  I am not of your world,

  but ask for me to appear in your life

  and I will.

  I am ready for the adventure.

  Are you?


  As the seasons of your soul turn, so your life grows into something amazing. Perhaps you do not see the powerful forces in your life moulding you to the tree that supports you, the roots that ground you and the branches reaching upward, searching for so much more than you have now, for the possibility of greater opportunity. It is true that many do not see the wood for the trees. When your miracle is close, it would be easy to miss it if you have your head in the clouds - come back down to Earth!

  Feel the reality of life and embrace it, no matter what it is, for you have no idea where it is leading. Feel your dreams and embrace them as they join as one in your soul. Allow the feelings to permeate your energy and your consciousness; feed them with your thoughts, the food that sustains the magic.

  Sometimes it may feel as if you are falling into an abyss, but fear not for you are not alone. How can you fall when we have wings to sustain you? It really is not complicated. We react to your thoughts and help you to manifest them; but you have to do your part too. We are all part of the One so you have the ability to tap into our power the moment you start to believe it - so that’s what you have to do. Get rid of all expectations in your mind, focus on your goal and allow the miracle to come to you. Speak your truth and be who you need to be for now. Tomorrow will take care of itself, no matter what the season of your life.

  Believe in us, in yourself, and in the divine power that incorporates all.


  What are you afraid of? Has someone hurt you, stolen part of you away? Why did you let them? Of course you will say that you did not allow it to happen - but you did. Every one of us on the Earth gives and takes, whether it is through kindness or unkindness, through fear, anger or love.

  These are emotions and we all have a choice whether or not to act on these feelings. Yes, it is our choice - why is that so difficult to understand? Of course, that means that we are in control, and that’s scary but it’s the truth. We all have responsibility for our lives, no matter what happens. Great happiness or great sadness always happens by cause and effect - this is the law of the universe. You may find yourself on a very happy path that turns sour very quickly, or vice versa, but each is caused by a decision or a choice by someone.

  So what can we do? “No point then, is there?” so many say. “We have no control if there is this universal law.” But of course you have control. You have choice and you can make decisions. You can make the choice to ask us for help and then make the decision to get out of the way, so we are able to help you.

  Fear is but a word describing an emotion. But really there is nothing to be afraid of, for all is as it should be. You have already chosen this. Perhaps you will only understand this when you reach this side of life.

  We love you, you are very loved by the Divine and you are never alone. Your friends and family who have gone before watch over you and care, do not doubt that. They ask you to consider what is the worst that can happen? Think about it, then realise that nothing really matters; only love and belief.

  We want you to live your lives with all the possibilities it can bring. You have to experience all your challenges as only then will you truly appreciate the great love that goes with positivity. You are strong, beautiful and human, so accentuate the positive and go with the flow. Your angels are there to help, and they are listening.


  Dry your tears,

  you can let go, you can be free;

  you only have to trust in me:

  I am your friend, I know your past

  and understand your fears

  but know they will not last.

  The power that others sometimes wield

  is strong but don’t allow it

  to deter you, for the here and now

  is only an illusion

  created before you came to Earth.

  To this we both elected

  that our wisdom and our fates would chime,

  and you will understand in time

  that it’s your choice.

  You’re on the path, you know the way;

  and I walk with you,

  listening, loving, caring

  whether you agree or doubt as problems mount

  yet I am sharing them.

  Everything is for a reason

  and it doesn’t matter how long it lasts,

  I promise you are not alone

  and you’ll be stronger when it’s passed.

  So love me just as I love you

  for good or ill, don’t shut me out;

  I see you beautiful and perfect

  and I’ll help you understand what life’s about.

  You’re so much more than you yet know,

  and if you only trust in me

  I’ll show you how to let go of your fear.

  Spirit Guides

  One of the most frequent questions we are asked is, “Do you know who my guides are?” So we want to give you a simple view of this. Everyone who wishes to learn about the spirit world is always so interested in who is leading them. The need to know always amuses - and sometime irritates - us; but I suppose that is just human interest. I understand, some of us were human too!

  You all have a name on Earth but it is just a label, it does not define you in any way. What is important - what defines you - is what you do, the way you behave and the love and compassion that you show to others. That is how growth and learning is achieved.

  One thing is for sure - the people who work with you always choose to do so and, at some level, you choose to allow them to. They are just ordinary souls who have moved over to the higher planes and they have chosen to work in this way to move forward with their own progression. You know, the spirit world is just like your world. As you are here on Earth, so shall you be in spirit, with a body that can be felt and arms to hold loved ones; and they do hold you - but in their hearts. They may be strangers, they may be loved ones or not even human. But slowly, if you are open enough to want to look a little deeper into life and love and the spirit world around you, then they will be there to assist and they will be very happy about that. However, even if you are not aware of the spirit world, the angels who guide you are always around. Some like to call them ‘guardian angels’. They do not mind what you call them, they just hope that you know they are with you.