Words to Ease Your Soul Page 11
Guides can be met in dreams, in meditation, or (if you are really lucky) they can manifest on Earth at important times in your life and turn it around. The stranger who just appears at the most propitious time is not there by accident; you may never realise who they are as they look as solid and real as you. They do it because they can, because you are unconditionally loved always. When you feel at your lowest ebb is when they are closest; but that is also when you are so wrapped up in the human condition that you may feel them the least.
You are all on this journey together, they are learning and growing with you, it is a joint, group effort. The soul group to which you belong can change as you do, but there are always some stalwarts who stay with you throughout your life. Your soul group will consist of many from this world and the next and you may be connected over many lifetimes. You are like different facets of a diamond, each shining its light as one. That is why it is very important to understand that you are the light: you belong to that essence, the complete God Light. You are perfect in the now. You are doing exactly what you should and are in the correct place for you. Now, you may dispute this, but you are in this place of illusion to grow, to expand your knowledge; so the secret is to use whatever you can to play your part of the game the best way you can. Perfection can never be reached on Earth though, else what would be the point of anything further? There is always more you can do, more you can achieve and be. All you have to do is to trust the flow of your life.
Look around from this point and see what happens. Ask your guides, angels or protectors to step closer to you. Ask them to reveal their ‘calling card’, then search for the synchronistic event that shows it to you. Look for life’s patterns and look for miracles - they do happen.
So open your heart, the area that all love comes from. This is the key to all you wish to manifest in your life: love really is all you need. Always do it your own way. So spread as much love as you can, and don’t forget the most precious person - yourself - because you are light. Your glow is amazing and beautiful. Open your eyes. Open your heart and see it and believe in us as we do in you, for all your human life and beyond. And one day we shall meet and hold you close and you will understand everything and wonder why you ever struggled in the first place!
God’s light is in everything and everywhere, the past and the future, it never wanes even in the darkest depths. You can’t escape it even if you try. So escape instead from the confines of your mind and link to the consciousness of the universe. Think for yourself and be free.
The winds of love blow through your life -
feel the chill and the change,
be brave and reach out to us.
We can make all the difference.
Fear is not real, it’s only there to make you think again;
but it can deceive you,
and exaggerate the pain you feel
unless you let it all just go away.
Send it back to us and let us deal with it
and guide your journey now.
Is it really easy? Yes, it truly is
when you are brave and open up your heart
and let the spirit give you all you need.
We promise to impart the knowledge that you seek
and put your life on track,
to lift you up when you are feeling weak.
Be proud of who you are right now, relax and smile
for we have shaken off the darkness;
and while you’re wondering if you do believe
in us, your spirit carers,
we are walking right beside you anyway
and always there.
So talk to us, tell us your pain and anger too -
don’t worry, no-one judges you
for God’s love comes on angel wings.
It’s there whenever there is need.
So let go of your fear, for all you ever need is love,
and it shall make you free.
I heard your prayer to me today,
when you were worried, feeling lost...
It made me smile to hear this
for we’d crossed swords of late,
when in your anger you had doubted me,
refused to listen, turned your face away
from the angel right in front of you.
But I am here to help you
even when you crease your brow
or shout and stamp;
I’m here to light the way, to light your soul
and help you onwards,
give you strength when nights are black.
Take my hand, I’ll lead you through
all the many things you have to learn.
I know what you need to be free;
so can you try to open up your inner eye to see
the real you and the real me?
I want your loving heart to feel
the love that you are owed for all time,
loved and valued and adored by all
for being you, a star.
So please try to accept it and believe.
So trust in me and talk to me again.
It doesn’t matter where or how,
just in your own way, fiery or in peace,
I hear your words and smile for love of you.
And I shall fix and re-arrange the path
to help you learn as you go on,
our hands held tight,
for I shall always guide you.
Feel my love, my faith, my strength,
given that you may overcome your trials.
And when it’s over you will see
how much I’ve loved you and you’ve loved me;
and we shall laugh together in the light.
“There’s no such word as can’t!” How many times have you been told this as a child? But there’s a problem with this for there is such a word and it’s one that causes us really big problems when we hear it and use it; then we look for obstacles to put in the way because it’s hard to make changes or go against the grain of life. If people all flowed in one direction all the time, then nothing would get discovered or created and the change that you need would not manifest itself.
But we have the choice to accept it or not - it is our mission. It may be difficult and that causes us to doubt ourselves. It may change the course of our life to go down a dark alleyway that we can’t see the end of, so we become frightened and stumble around in circles in the dark instead of walking to the end of the alleyway where the light is bright. Why do we not understand that?
Sometimes as we become embroiled in our lives it is true that the troubles can outweigh the pleasures. We allow the negative attitudes of other people (who are in fact going through similar troubles) to affect us. We all suffer in different ways and the trials that are so painful for us may not be so for others. Each has their nemesis that will have to be faced sometime, and it is then that we leap spiritually. Why is this? It is the soul’s journey, good or bad as we perceive it to be, that makes us who we are here. It brings people around us who love us - and those who do not. That’s fine, as not everyone can gel together. What one feels as painful will not seem the same to another so they will not really understand; we have to walk in someone’s shoes to know the lessons within their experiences. These experiences mould our personality, identify our strengths and weaknesses and show us the areas that we need to grow in.
Now here’s the rub. It is you who believes in and says the word “can’t”. We in spirit do not believe in that word. Yes, there may be a delay in getting what you want for you have to figure out how to get it. If you ask us we can help you - but ultimately it is up to you. Sometimes you have to be very brave and speak what is really in your heart.
These words may be difficult to be heard, but if you can no longer continue then change has to happen, no matter what others’ opinions are. Only you can make the right decisions for you. We can all live together and be who we are, but then we
must learn to accept that all is just as it should be, even though it may not be as we want it to be. The change does not have to be great. Just do something different, that’s enough to change the energy around you and then the rest will follow.
In this process of denial, where you frequently find yourself, it is easy to think that you are going through this alone. But you are not. You may not have too many people around you physically for whatever reason, but that does not matter. The spirit world is always around you, loving you and encouraging you, frequently bringing signs of our presence as you carry on your daily existence. We will just fit into every day. Sometimes you will miss us; you will have to look, but then you have to see and also hear. Was that a coincidence or a sign? There is no coincidence for everything has a reason; if you think like this every day then life will seem easier - you can compartmentalise it better within your mind. No-one is against you, apart from if you allow others’ feelings, words and actions to penetrate your energy and affect it. You can say “No”. But you may need these experiences to push you, to test you so that you may live through them. It may be a rollercoaster but at least you are moving in some direction! Standing still and silent is never an option.
So drop the ‘t’ and use “Can”. You can achieve and you are beautiful and you deserve love and fruitful experiences in your life. Your past conditioning by those who raised you has an influence on you, but you have a choice whether to let that influence guide you now and in your future. Only you know if it is and was right for you. Make your own decisions, make your own choices for you. You will be amazed how people will change alongside you - how everything fits in place beautifully. Watch your life improve. So the next time you’re about to say “I can’t” - stop. Can you really?
This happens already but we say it out of habit and out of fear. Well, you know what they say: feel the fear and do it anyway. Love yourself, hug yourself, because we do feel it and we will all through our physical lives. Don’t be worried about judgements - you know in your heart what is right and wrong. The concept of ‘what goes around, comes around’ is true; and when the time comes for you to pass to spirit you will see yourself for all that you are and everything will make sense. Only you will judge you. Some of us were there on Earth once so we know how you feel. We have walked in your shoes and we have seen the result. And I can tell you: it is all worth it.
Some are leaders and some are followers and that is as it should be. So which are you? Are you content to sit back and allow others to define you? That can happen if you allow it. Or are you going to stop saying “I can’t” and take control of your life in a beautiful way, to make you smile every day. The destination is written but the journey is not, not completely. You have free will, so use it, expand it and inspire other people to expand themselves. You are your own inspiration, it is all there within you. All you have to do is to remember that all you need is within you. When you are in darkness, just remember that there is no measure of dark, only of light; and there is always light in the darkest of places. Never give up.
You may want more and if it is to come then it will be. Yet we know that you are beautiful just as you are, in all your imperfection. If you were perfect, you would not be there; we have all trodden similar pathways and none of us have yet reached perfection. Does it exist? Yes it does. It is the light that shines in the darkness when you need it most, the light of love of beauty, the light within me and the light within you that watches over us, that whispers to our souls and always says “I can”.
This morning, I saw you as you climbed out of bed and readied yourself for the day ahead. You did not know I was there, but I was.
You were tired - the week had been difficult for you, the people, the situations. How to overcome the problems of each day?
But what exactly are those problems? Usually they are what you make them, how you perceive them and how you let them affect your life. So do not allow them to - do not complicate the matters of your heart and mind, they are complicated enough just as they are.
Step one foot literally in front of the other and do not try to cope with all the stresses on your own. Share them with me, tell me what you need, then step away and allow me to help you.
Easy does it, little by little, your miracle is possible.
I am still watching you, keeping nearby, so close your eyes, relax and feel my wings around you.
How Rich Are You?
Did you know that some people are so poor in this world that they only have money? For them, the only value they count on in their lives consists of physical accoutrements that are completely superficial. After all, when you leave the Earth you can’t take them with you. We all know such people who adore their money and all the trappings of their physical existence, at least for a while. The problem with this is that all these so-called valuables are very easy to lose - by one’s own decisions or those of others who impact one’s life.
It is no problem to us in spirit that you wish to have the objects and the comforts of life, no problem at all, just as long as you understand that they can vanish as quickly as they arrive. Everything on your plane of existence has an energy, a vibration that emanates right down to the cellular level, and all energies have an effect on yours. If the energy needs to change around you it will; it finds its way because it has to.
The richness of your life does not lie in the physical objects you have, but in all your energy fields. All the emotions that make you who you are - a woman or man, a lover, a giver or a healer, whatever you know yourself to be - and the giving of yourself for the betterment of others, this is where the real richness lies. So be empathic, try to understand why others around you have their problems. Take a few moments longer than you normally would to listen to them, for there may be a very simple way in which you can help the situation; the person involved has not come around you by accident. So try to step up to the mark. You are naturally rich in love, it is engrained in your soul; and if you do not give it, that is your choice - perhaps because you are afraid of how you might be seen in your world. But the world belongs to everyone.
You have the capacity to be rich beyond your wildest dreams, and it won’t cost you a penny. For whatever you give, you most certainly do receive. Even if you don’t have much, give a little and it will always return to you. There are always people around you who are needy and ready to receive. It really is not a difficult choice. Just do something unexpected. Be the person you were born to be. The richness of your soul and your heart will swell, bringing unexpected magic into your life. Then you will know just how rich you are.
Are you stuck in a position that you want to get out of, but can’t? Or at least that’s what you believe? The sticky situations that you find yourself in are always by your own design and your own choice! They are your responsibility and you cannot blame anyone else for your misfortunes.
Whether a situation is actually sticky is, however, a matter of perception. It may always have been so but you did not want to see it, and maybe something new has come in your life to cause you to see more clearly. Don’t make excuses! Change what needs to be changed, but be sure it is what you want because going back is rarely an option; things never return to the form they once had. First though there may be a battle within yourself as you choose the path you need to take.
Now, to make you feel a little better, there are points in your life that have already been decided before you arrived here. But the journey to those points is not decided, so it’s up to everyone to travel that journey well, remembering that you have personal responsibility for everything you do. You may like to blame situations on other people, but in your heart you know they lie at your feet.
So what is it that you would like to change in your life: a relationship, a job, a belief? Or are you just looking for something more? All these require action from you. We cannot make decisions for you as there are other people who will also be affected by those decisions. But when you feel the
pull to try something new, or a great attraction to another person and you just don’t understand why, sometimes it is wise to listen to these markers.
We all want more - that is ingrained deeply within us. But understanding grows and then we realise that actually we need none of it, that we are perfect just as we are. The physical attributes of this life can make it a little more comfortable, and some of us will achieve these comforts, but what about those who cannot have them through no fault of their own? It may be due to where they were born in the world or due to their nature. Does that make them any less perfect? Of course not - we all have the light within us. Sometimes we can be blind to our own inclination towards greed. But let’s not judge, it not our place to do so and the only person who judges you is yourself.
So do not let your mind hold you back for it can be your own worst enemy at times. The good deed, the bad deed, it is all your choice; just try to act for the best of reasons and know that spirit are watching and walking with you always. It is in these difficult times of change that people feel most alone, but let me tell you that it is then that we walk closest to you. Trust you heart. Trust your feelings. They are a more accurate measure of you than what money and status you have. And when we get to the spirit world, we are all equal.
To give from the heart is a wonderful gesture that you will feel acutely, and you will gain so much more in your life this way. You see, there has to be a balance in everything. If you become out of balance, it can affect your physical, emotional and spiritual health. So listen only to love and have people around you who love you.
Yes, we all need a challenge or how else would we move forward in our lives? Staying still is never an option. What you should do is to concentrate on yourself and do the best that you can for others, yet allow other people to be themselves, as they have to grow in their own light and you in yours. That includes children, parents, brothers and sisters - support them but don’t make their decisions for them. It can be difficult to watch people close to you go through the stresses and strains of life; but rest easy, they have their helpers too. We are all linked through the same Source.