Words to Ease Your Soul Page 3
you have to feel deep sorrow for them.
But that’s the pathway that they chose
and ultimately they will lose their way a while
until they change their views and feel the love deep in their hearts.
You can only do what you can do and let it go
one day at a time to sing your song.
So many books written of the ways we chose to go.
So steel yourself for quite a ride but don’t be scared
for you are right just as you are;
the plan is there and what will come will fit
when this is needed in your life.
And when you feel dazed and confused
let go of pain and smile that God is love and in your heart.
Bucket List
Do you have a bucket list, some words to show you still exist?
When are you going to start your search
for your special experiences on Earth?
Should you start when time is short or maybe you believe in nought?
Will you die today? Maybe yes or no
but we all will go past this plane, so what’s it worth?
Are you going to try for more or settle with your current score?
Will you demand a second chance,
refusing to accept what’s lost?
You’ll be amused when you find you could have had it all the time...
So add this to your pages now
that we must try our hardest, and never count the cost.
What is it that holds you back? Is it fear of what you lack,
a fear of failure, fear of falling?
Try instead to only see the good.
You will be led, your way well guided, all your secret fears confided,
and all that matters is that you tried
to make your blessed dream more understood.
When we pass on, our page is seen, a list of all we’ve done and been;
and this is noted in our score,
we did not wait for timing to be right
but knew beyond all human doubt exactly what the design set out.
So don’t delay with making lists,
ask for spirit to bring you light.
They will be pleased to help you achieve your dreams and all that you believe in
within the map you have defined for living
in this world of worry and confusion.
But Spirit want us all to know this world is just a journey, so
move on towards the light and your perfection,
far beyond a bucket list’s illusion.
You’re Telling Me
You tell me that each of us
has a life to live,
to grow within the shell we are,
to love, to care, to give.
So I have to be accountable
for all the stuff I say;
I have to always get it right
each and every day.
I’m in the divine plan, you say,
I’m vital to its end;
but I can’t quite believe this point -
are you sure, my friend?
I cannot be replaced, you say -
are you sure you know this fact?
I don’t think I’m irreplaceable
with all the qualities I lack!
The cosmic energy, you say,
causes much confusion;
so what are we on Earth to see?
It’s all one big illusion!
Why should I do what you say
when you tell me there’s a plan,
and I have to be a guiding light
for my fellow man?
Why me? “But why not?”
I hear you loudly cry.
“Everyone must know the truth -
you simply cannot die.
“So live this life and then the next
in the love and free,
and know that you are perfect
in the God-like energy.
“So don’t take life so seriously,
laugh and let it go;
and all will be just as it should
when you go with the flow.”
The Animal Inside
Don’t be a snake as others are,
with forked tongue, one who slides,
be the armadillo with a shell,
and a soft centre inside.
So you can talk the talk
with the intention of the best,
and hold your head up steady
when times become distressed.
Then you can hide inside your shell
a while, and dodge the worst -
it comes at you in many ways,
be sure that you’ll be cursed.
But you will also always know,
the armadillo that you are,
as you walk slowly through this life
it’s all a bit bizarre.
We can all use animals we know
to describe us on this Earth:
the lion and eagle, cat and mouse
can each define our worth.
So heed the animal inside,
look close by and look far -
do you stick with armadillo
and the human that you are?
Just remember always to
be dignified in your song,
and be the noblest you can be -
it doesn’t last too long,
it’s over before you know it
and you will have left this plane...
Will you be able to stand and judge
yourself alongside the sane?
Don’t leave it until the other side
to find your dignity;
treat everyone you meet as friends
with love and honesty.
It doesn’t matter who you are
or where you’re going now,
it doesn’t matter what you do -
what matters is the how.
Thank You
Do you say the word enough
or just ignore such platitudes,
take for granted all you have
without a word of gratitude?
Do you give thanks for all you are
and how you’ve come so very far,
or do you never even see
that you are walking beside me?
Give the thanks and see the smile,
go on just that extra mile;
when you say “Thank you” every day
you’ll see the miracles come your way.
To give a hug of gratefulness
never fails to address
the inadequacy that you feel
for that is never truly real.
Ignore it, let it flow on by,
ours is not to reason why;
accept with thanks your gifts - don’t shrug,
just live and learn and give a hug.
Give thanks for all that you achieve,
it’s time for you now to believe;
deal with your needs and others’ too,
for this brings out the best in you.
You’ll find your life will then allow
to show you the right way somehow.
When you decide to stand up straight
fears and conflicts dissipate,
and showing others your best measure
causes everyone more pleasure.
When you smile and give your thanks
it brings forth an angel from the ranks;
someone you can look up to,
someone who will walk with you,
allow them in to be close by,
no need to argue or wonder why!
Then feel the gratitude in your soul,
fill you up and make you whole.
Pass this on to your fellow man,
it’s all part of the greater plan
to share with others, to give away -
we can do this every day.
‘Thanks’ is such a simple word,
so ca
rry on, don’t be deterred
or think it’s unimportant, for
you may just sour a friendship more,
one you wish to hold on to,
one that will really benefit you...
So keep the love within the light
and there will be no such fight;
we are rich when we have friends,
it always leads to better ends.
Were you never taught the word
or was it that you never heard
when you were growing up this sound
that means so much to those around?
So mean it from your heart each day
and say it your own personal way,
making sure, with each gift perceived,
you give the thanks for all received.
And take care how you treat others too,
for what you give comes back to you!
More One-Liners
“Close your eyes, I know you are thinking of me. My arms are around you - can you feel them? Imagine our love, we promised forever and forever it will be. I am right beside you. You are safe.”
Do you think you are awkward, different or strange? Don’t worry about it, so are most of the people you meet every day! Who dictates what normality is? A very interesting and wide-ranging question, which perhaps you ought to consider before you slight yourself.
Perfection cannot be reached on this Earth; that is what the Spirit world is there for - to see the result. Otherwise what would be the point of any existence?
You are holding yourself back - you know you are. Let go, let God and allow the miracles to appear in their own time. You deserve them. No need to be afraid, all is exactly as it should be.
Forgive yourself, it will only hold you back if you don’t. Forgive others too for it will only hold you back if you can’t. But maybe you don’t really want to move forward at all? So what is it that binds you? Do you really want it in your life? Time to decide.
Always speak from your heart - it’s the feeling that makes the difference.
Our Relationships
Agree to Disagree
You do not agree with me and I do not agree with you;
do you think this is all right, is it something we should do?
Yes, we’re all made in the mould
and it’s been the same since times of old.
There’s been conflict for as long as I can think,
many times we’ve been on the brink
with words of hate and many hearts shattered,
no forgiveness in the ashes scattered.
Can we fix the disagreements in the lives we live,
learn not to take all but instead to give?
Can we be greater, give up the fight,
talk to each other and be polite?!
It’s certainly a test to accept what’s to be,
to stand back from control and feel more free...
Who wades into the fray? Who resolves it?
Has the fire been put out? Was it even lit?
We’ve been stumbling in the dark now for so long,
today’s the time to change the song,
to be more understanding, to hear and to see
that peaceful change that has to be.
The powers that control us in darkness and fear
have to know that a greater power is inevitably near,
watching, advising us in what needs to be...
Let’s for God’s sake open our eyes and see.
Working together, on ourselves as well,
not following others’ paths, having our own tale to tell;
it may not fit in with those close and their call
but by being our best, we can’t really fall.
When we give in to the pressures of others around
then the lion will roar and the trumpets will sound
and pain is unleashed in a way never planned,
bringing heartache and fear in our beautiful land.
So it’s up to each one which path to take.
When we’re angry we must just remember to make
the peace that’s so needed for all on Earth,
for we are all connected by the heritage of birth.
You Are Beautiful
What is it you’re searching for?
To be ‘just me’ or something more?
Have you fought again today
with yourself or others along the way?
Why do you do that to yourself,
put yourself on the lower shelf -
the very place with other souls full
when really you are beautiful?
You are beautiful in your soul,
you are beautiful on your way;
so create your dream and walk your path
for we love you every day.
Can you not just feel the love
as we hold you in our embrace?
We can fix your troubled life
and put the smile back on your face.
We shall love you every day,
in every place and every way;
we shall feel you in our hearts,
and we shall never be apart.
In the darkness and the light,
we know that your future’s bright;
we shall always make you smile
walking with you the extra mile.
Know this love is meant to be -
love is our only destiny.
Heal the Pain
So much pain, I feel your tears,
it’s been going on for years -
I’ve heard you cry and heard you pray
for it all to be lifted, taken away.
But it’s not for me to take away
this pain that you are feeling now;
I can’t make it disappear
but I can show you how...
Close your eyes and you will find
that loving feeling spread within;
it creeps into your silent mind
like the rustle of an angel’s wing.
Don’t be scared, don’t be afraid,
this is the secret to be at peace -
you don’t have to do a thing
this love will all your pain release.
It pours through you, a cure to find
for body, spirit and the mind;
receive it, it’s sent from above
on flights of angels’ love
so you can fly free, letting go
of all the problems in your life,
no need to hang on any longer -
they’re right here now to make you stronger.
Now is your time to accept
the relief coming for you
from the universe, or a friend
or, yes, from a healer too.
It doesn’t matter how it comes
to you, just that it does;
stop questioning the why and how -
accept it, just because.
And we shall send you healing,
gladly give it to you all
until you are completely grown,
now that you’ve heard the call.
It is so, shall ever be
for all your living days;
this energy that loves you dearly
will astonish and amaze.
And when you panic for a moment -
“What if I can’t grow up?
What if I just can’t succeed?”
We shall always fill your cup.
Stop worrying, my dearest ones,
you have no need to fear;
we love you all so very much
and we are always near.
A Mother’s Love
How is this defined? A very good question and one not easily answered. We are all supposed to love our children unconditionally. We are all supposed to care enough to watch over them until they are old enough to take care of themselves - and then some.
But some cannot. Some are scared and unsure and not at all perfect, so how can we do
it in that situation? I am here to tell you that all you can do is your best. We in the spirit world have no special powers, although we are often thought of as having them; no, there is often so much to do that we can’t think straight. So let me tell you, everyone makes mistakes; everyone does things they are not proud of - lose their temper, for example - yet feels the love in equal measure. That is okay. So do not judge yourself too harshly, even if others do.
Children are your divine right, but some cannot physically conceive them. That is very sad, but there are always other ways to see and feel the love of a child. There are amazing scientific steps in your world these days to make that miracle happen. Never doubt that if you are meant to have a child, you will; but if you are not, you won’t. It’s simple really, so do not stress yourselves for all will be as it is meant to be.
Many children leave and go to the spirit world and this brings on the deepest of pain. Let me tell you, all your children continue to grow in the spirit world. Everyone is met by family and is cared for. Each one has had the necessary soul growth it needs. It’s not your fault. Blame is very easy to dish out, but acceptance is much harder.
You need to know this: through all the strife and the love, the smiles and the anguish that you cause each other, you are never alone. You are guided.
And you will try to guide your children in the way you believe is right. This is good, but remember that they are not you. They have their own dreams, which may not align with yours. But have faith that all will be well in the end. Yes, they will make mistakes, and they may break apart - then you will put them back together again and send them on their way. Some will learn and some will not, and the lesson will be repeated; but that is their choice just as it is yours.
The commitment you show over many years builds a bond, a special love, and there is no other like it. The bond is particularly strong, even when one is on the other side of life - the love never dies. The love you share in your hearts is so real, so tangible, you can close your eyes and feel it. “Once a parent, always a parent and once a child, always a child.” You may be both and then you are lucky and can see both sides of the coin. Your learning is never complete, it evolves over time and grows to educate you in the finer points of human nature.
So when you feel lost and despairing, when you feel that you can’t go on, just ask us to be with you and ask us to be with your children. We can help. We always help. We never say we are too busy. Remember to ask help for yourselves as parents too.
Know that all is well, all is just as it is meant to be. We angels can be very human sometimes, you know. Please accept our love and our help. We have all been there before you.
A Friend
Throughout your life, what is more comfort than the love of a true friend,
someone who will guide you, love and laugh with you,
someone who accepts your will?