Words to Ease Your Soul Page 6
Yours was the only one that mattered, when I looked into your eyes and our souls met six feet up.
There was no other match on this Earth to compare.
I see your silver string trying to find me.
I see your heart heavy with pain.
But the issues that bind you are of no real consequence; you are just trying to find the connection.
The connection will always be there.
Never lose hope.
There will be other silver strings, each bringing what you need when you need it.
But we will always be together.
I love you.
There’s so much that I’m thankful for,
from all the people gone before -
my Dad, my friends, so many others,
especially my lovely brothers
who watch over me each day.
And I pray that I can change
some things in this world to bring
more pleasure and, yes, more delight,
bring folks together in the light
of many possibilities.
For all who share this lovely place
and all who dwell in time and space
who sacrifice so much for now,
I pray we can remember how
to rejoice always in our living,
and never forget the thanksgiving.
I value myself now and understand the choice
I made to speak my truth and learn to use my voice.
It’s never easy to fight this lonely cause
and learn to be oneself without a pause.
To my surprise, my shame, I realised
that I was always as I am and that I must
be proud of who I have become and will be,
for in the end we shall return to dust.
So I hope and trust, go on believing,
and try each day to strengthen me,
accepting all experience
is meant to be.
I fail most days, the darkness holds me
in its sway; but I have learned
that I must never give up, knowing
every shadow one day turns.
And you are my reward, my love.
I never knew that I could love
as strong as I do now
and from this day I vow
to always be standing by your side,
whether unseen or unknown,
for it was you who turned the tide
and you will never be alone.
It’s taken time, it wasn’t overnight,
the journey has been great to know
just who I am, but worth the tears
to find you and release my fears.
We’ll guide each other now and for all time
we’ll always hold the keys to one another’s heart;
the past lets go, the future becomes now,
we walk together and will never be apart.
A Spirit’s Love
Today I told you that I loved you so many times but I don’t think you heard me; at least you never acknowledged it. I do that every day in the hope that you will know and come to understand that I do.
Who am I? Who do you want me to be? Your dreams belong to you and together we are united in the realm where only love matters. It overcomes all other emotions. Only love belongs.
You know me and you don’t know me, all at once. I am a part of you as you are a part of me; that is why I love you so very much and that is why I am always here. So close your eyes and breathe, relax your body, relax your mind, relax into me and let the tendrils of my essence gather around you. Let my arms hold you near and let me kiss your cheek in reverence of your complete beauty.
I truly am here and I want to tell you how special you are and how I can help you to achieve your dreams. Listen to the winds that ebb and flow around your soul, teasing you and leading you to more. Reach for them. Take them to your heart and be loved.
Taken for Granted
In each life there will be someone who is taken for granted. We don’t mean to do it but it’s usually someone very close. We become so wound up and embroiled in our own problems that we assume that everyone around us will stay stable and will always be there. But often this is not the case. Everything is transient and that is how it should be. So why don’t we understand that this is happening?
We cannot possibly know what is to come each day but we do know that new situations will occur and they will affect one or more of us at any time. So we should think ahead and try to remember this. We may be trying to juggle situations and fix things, but we mustn’t forget ‘the glue’ that holds it all together - and that it may just vanish at any moment. We must make sure our glue is well looked after, that it is as strong as it can be, and knows how valuable it is!
It’s not a thought that most of us consider often and most of us would deny that we take other people for granted, especially those close to us. But we do. Some are hurt and some just accept their lot, while some go out of their way to tell their loved ones how much they are cared for. The point is that none of us know how long we will be on this Earth, so rather our very dear loved ones knew that they are loved - even if it is sometimes hard to tell them. We must do so, for we may not have the chance in this life again.
I know someone who insists their partner always says goodbye when they go out - always. She tells me that she never knows when she is going to see him again, and there may be a very long wait. She makes a conscious effort to hug him and say goodbye each time he goes to work. Is this something you do? Or have you just waved goodbye only to find that you never get the chance to hug your husband, child, parent, brother, sister or friend again? It’s a painful thought and a more painful reality. I know what it feels like. Although there is spiritual awareness in my life, there are also human flaws just the same as everyone else - and the pain is just as fierce.
We all make mistakes, of course we do, it’s natural and it’s part of the journey. But let’s not make the mistake of not telling someone we know that we love them. And if we feel the pull to call someone, even if we have not done so for a while, we should do it. How will we feel if that person were never to be seen again? Could we cope with that? When they have left this Earth, we would torture ourselves with negative thoughts of anger and guilt, and that cannot be good. So let’s call our friends and call the family we love to tell them how special they are. Let’s arrange to meet up; and if anything needs fixing, let’s do it. Let’s do it now without delay. We must not allow our ego to tell us what do, but let love guide us for this is the overriding emotion.
If we take others for granted then we shall have regrets. And regrets are very hard to turn into acceptance. Some people never manage it and are plagued for years by ‘if only’. So let’s tell people how much we value them by giving a gift, saying ‘Thank you’ or giving them a hug. Not only will it make them feel good, it will make us feel good too. And if they were not long for this world, then that is a beautiful parting gift to give someone.
A hug is a unique gift. We should share as many as we can so that when we go we will be full enough to keep going until we meet again. Let’s all check our glue and make sure that it knows its value.
For Times of Sadness
What will take it for you to believe in yourself? What words of comfort will you allow yourself to hear that will make a difference? There is so much heartache and pain and seeing it through can take all the strength you possess. But fear not and do not doubt that your level of strength is more than you ever knew it could be.
Your day may have taken a very unexpected turn, making you feel like your world is falling around you... but that is just not the case. Your true light is so much stronger than you can understand. Believe in yourself and use that light to find your worth and your value. Know that it is so much more than you currently think.
You have already been through so many physic
al problems and you have always recovered. You have done it. There is always light in the darkest of corners - maybe just a glimmer, but follow it until it leads you into the sun. It may be raining outside, but keep going and do not allow the tears to rain inside.
This journey may not be easy, but there will be nothing you cannot cope with. And when you arrive at your promised destination, all the effort, determination and faith will be worth it and you will smile. So close your eyes, breathe calmly and let us lead you to the life and the love you deserve.
So Sorry I Had to Go
I had to leave you, it was my time.
I was not sorry to go, but I know those left behind are sad.
It’s okay - I have not really gone anywhere, I am still around you,
still near your beating heart.
We may not have had perfection, but it was the best that I could do -
the way I had to be this time around - so please don’t think too badly of me.
I have not been here long, but I can already see that I am home.
It is where we all really belong and I am so glad to be out of that body,
happy to be free; I know that now I can be who I really am.
So I can help and encourage you to be who you need to be...
giving you the courage and strength to overcome your fears,
to move forward and achieve your dreams.
You are here for a long time yet, so we have plenty of time -
much of it to use for the benefit of others, but mainly for you.
I love you.
I always have.
We were always meant to share our human space,
So now I share my love with you, for the heavenly space.
Angel wings wrap around our souls and keep us together
for as long as we need one another.
Leaving This World
Take my hand in yours, lead me to the light,
for the world is getting darker and I am losing sight;
yet I feel you near me as I walk along this way
and, though I cannot see you, I have known you every day...
Oh, I’m feeling just the same as when I lived some moments hence,
in another kind of world, with a different kind of sense.
Now should I stay or should I move on? I realise I don’t care,
it’s just wonderful to know that there is more to ‘over there’.
I’m curious to see what’s next and if there’s any more -
and then I feel a force that takes me onwards through a door
into new life, a world that simply takes my breath away
as I let go of my heaviness and welcome a new day.
I go into a hospital, a place of mirrored glass,
a place of peace and beauty where I let go of the past;
I feel a warmth and comfort and I am surprised to see
such LOVE surrounding us in here, a God-like energy.
It’s not easy to adjust at first, it’s taking me a while,
but then I get the hang of it and cannot help but smile
for it’s just like tuning a radio to get the airwaves clear -
then suddenly I realise that I am really here!
My vision becomes lighter and clarity returns,
I’m feeling so ALIVE and now the need to see more burns in me.
I want to leave this place right now, I want to see it all -
I know that everything I need is here within my calling.
For the first time since arriving, my eyes light up with glee
for right here by my side I clearly see my family;
they’re all so very happy, they’re smiling and content,
and I cannot but be grateful for this moment, Heaven-sent.
I’m happy and I want to hug them close for all I’m worth -
and yes, I have a body just like when I was on Earth;
I can laugh and cry and touch, be just the same as I was before.
I AM the same as I was once, but now with so much more.
“So take your time, do what you need, you are accepted here;
this is a world forgiving so let go of all your fears.
You’ve left the world of sin and you’ve been given second birth -
and YOU will judge whatever faults you had upon the Earth.
It’s really not so bad, it’s only up to you,
to look at what you’ve done in life and what you wished to do;
just accept the truth that you are not a perfect soul -
for now you have the chance to put it right and set new goals.”
This is a revelation! My whole life can now be seen,
the things I did, the people hurt and all that I have been;
I know that I can change things, I know that healing’s near,
now that every moment of my life before is clear.
And I’m free to travel where I wish, in a body made of light,
through worlds that are incredible, through morning and through night,
crossing over continents at a smooth and easy rate -
such a pity that I couldn’t do this earlier, always late!
There’s only one great sadness in this lovely, bounteous plane:
I miss the people left behind and I do still feel their pain.
I cannot touch their faces, feel the warmth of being there,
and I want to tell them that I miss them, that I really care...
“Well, you have a secret weapon - you can come and go at will,
and you can see them any time you like, but still
we know it’s not the same; you have to find another way
to make your presence known, to make them hear what you will say,
maybe speaking through a medium or making little sounds,
try a gentle touch or move some things around!
Sit upon the bed at night and give them calming dreams,
help them understand that all is not quite what it seems
and all the worries that they have, in the world of things,
can easily be brushed away by the touch of angel wings.”
I have such opportunity to grow and live and learn
so much more than life before, I’ve got another turn
to be all that I want to be in this amazing land -
thanks to those who walked with me and gently took my hand.
If only I had realised that when it’s time to go
there’s so much to look forward to, so much more to know;
there’s no such thing as death, so just let go, no need to fight,
turn away and leave the world, walk towards the light!
I did not want you to go, but you did and now my heart has broken and I don’t think that I shall ever recover. You told me all was well and I believed you, but now you’re gone and my heart can hardly bear the pain.
Tell me how to overcome this. Tell me how to move on from here. I close my eyes and wish you close, almost feeling your familiar presence, refusing to let you go from my mind, wanting to keep your image clear and precise and familiar. But it’s just not the same as having you close, laughing at me and with me.
I am bereft, I am lost and I need you to show me the way. I believe you can. I have hope that you will, because I just don’t know how to live without you.
I thought I felt you with me the other night. I am sure I could feel you as I lay drifting between the worlds. You were alive and vibrant and you held me and talked of dreams and hopes to come, told me that I will be amazing. I don’t feel amazing. I can’t feel anything and I don’t want to be like this.
I don’t know how to move on. I don’t know what to do.
You always told me that the greatest journey starts with the first step, so I suppose I just have to take that step. But not now, not at this moment as I am just drifting inbetween the worlds again to a place where you are, where I can feel you and where we can be together.
Love me
and give me the courage to take those steps, to find me again.
I hear you calling me every day, when times are rough. They seem to be like that all the time just now. You become so wrapped up in the physical moment that you forget you are not going through it alone. I would never leave you.
Yes, I had to leave the Earth suddenly and it was as much a surprise to me as it was to you, trust me. And I know I wasn’t perfect either but, hey, I was consistent. I was who I was and you loved me nonetheless and never judged me when others did. In return I loved you, I always did. I loved you with all my heart, you were my everything and you still are. My fault was that I never told you that very often and I regret that.
I see you struggle without me. I see you cry alone and I feel your pain. I should have made you stronger, should have encouraged you more to be yourself; but you were giving so much to so many others that you didn’t seem to need it. But now it’s time to listen to the little voice that’s speaking quietly in your mind. I know it’s hard to listen to the spirit. I never did so what am I talking about? Well, now I have some authority to talk about this since I’m here. I can help. We can help. But you have to ask your spirit friends to help - we have to be invited in.
I saw you the other night in bed, thinking of times gone past and how tough they were. You were thinking about being loved again, about maybe being alone for the rest of your life. I felt very bad then. But let me tell you now that this will not happen; there will be someone who comes and who will pull at your heart strings and worship you as it should be. I wish you that.
Perspectives are very different from this side of the veil and now I can see everything in its entirety; this is beautiful and real and where we all actually belong. I know I never talked about this stuff when I was with you; I never even believed in it, but rest assured I do now!
So I am with you when you want me to be. I am in your life and in your heart. When you don’t want me, I shall go - it’s quite simple. But for now just know that all is well. Go with the flow. Trust me, have faith in me and in all of us here. We can help to bring you your miracles.
Chin up, my love, your precious angel is watching over you.
My Dog
As I sit by the fire, quietly, alone,
I see where you lay and know that you’re gone.
No more licking my toes, no more chewing the chair -