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Words to Ease Your Soul Page 9

  A Conversation

  From me:

  I nearly missed the sign you sent this morning as I drove to work; it was subtle but clear and very gratefully received. I remembered the previous day having the thoughts that caused it - the doubts and fears. Fear of the physicality of life, my job, my home; for a moment I forgot, for a moment I was very human. Then I heard you say that you are with me for the whole journey. You said this as you took my hand and looked into my eyes. I saw you in my dreams. I don’t know if I have known you beyond this life, but it feels like it - it feels like lifetimes, and the love you have for me shocks me sometimes.

  I try to live up to your expectations and fail all the time, at least in my own eyes. I sometimes wonder if you will suddenly realise that I am just not worth the bother, but in my heart I know you will never leave, as you are the one constant I have and have always had. We have been through everything together and I know we always will.

  Thank you for loving me, believing in me, and holding me close as I stumble through this game of life. I will try to do less and get out of the way so you can do more, create more miracles, so I can also do more in this world. Then maybe we can fix it all together.

  From you:

  There is no separation between us and there never has been. I am not always present ‘every day in every way’ but my essence is always with you. When times are tough, my hand is in your hand, walking side by side. It was always my choice to be with you and your choice to be with me. There is nothing contrived about this partnership, we are just two parts of the whole. There are many others who act alongside me. Your challenges in this world do indeed belong to you, and you do have to go through them I’m afraid, there is no escape from that - but not alone, never alone.

  It irritates me rather that you do not know your own worth! Mmm, we are not perfect either you know, but you give so much to so many and yet you do not see that. Your focus is only to serve and I know the Divine adores you for it; but He also wants you to value yourself.

  It is good you understand that you need to stop interfering, to step back and let us help you. Don’t worry, all will be exactly as it needs to be. Yes, you may sometimes feel like someone has just thrown you into an abyss and you are falling, but all the while you are being cradled in my love. I have promised this to you and I will never break that bond. Feel me, hold me in your mind, love me with you heart and have faith that I will never let you down.

  You are just in transit. I promise the destination will be worth it.

  Love and Acceptance

  How many times is that today you have felt others’ pain? Our capacity to give love is amazing and it is amazing that we do so in circumstances that cause our lives to suffer, where we allow people to possess us in mind or in body. We give away our strength and our power to protect those around us, those closest whom we love. There is nothing we would not do, even put our own lives in mortal danger to protect them. Yet think what value your life has; if you were not here, who would miss you? What we don’t realise in the midst of terror is that there are always people who care, who love us, both seen and unseen.

  I know that is hard to hear for I was deaf too. I have been in a situation where someone believes they own you, body and soul, to do as they wish with you and not in a good way. I have experienced the desolation and fear that comes with that, when you are scared even to breathe in case you do it the incorrect way that will lead to more pain and fear. It takes superhuman strength to fight it and we have to have a reason to do so, whether it’s for one’s children, family, the elderly or friends. With me, it was my child; I would have died to protect my child. What is your focus? What is your reason?

  Whatever the circumstances you find yourself in, there is always a way out. No-one ever said it was easy, no-one told you that life was going to be like this, but some of us do go through it. It may not start like that; things may seem beautiful and then ‘ugly’ steps in. In time, part of you starts to believe you should experience this because it’s what you deserve, and you become part of that ‘ugly’ too. Oh, lovely people, that is just not true. You do have the power to walk away. You may be afraid, but you can take back ownership of your life. Just open up to someone, reach for help in the dark and someone will always grab your hand and place you in that life raft to gentler seas. They will wipe your tears and remind you of who you are. Maybe then you can take the action you need to take, find the strength, just maybe...

  It is true that not everyone does. It is true that not everyone can. Sometimes, so much shame is felt that eventually you feel nothing, you’re empty and bereft. But hold tight to what inspires you, search deep within yourself and find the spark that will ignite your fire. Then move forward, even with trepidation - at least fear causes you to feel something. If you feel fear it means you are alive. If you are alive then you are meant to be here. If you are meant to be here then there is more for you, there always is. Talk to spirit, they will always sustain your humanity. It is at times like this that they surround you and support you. You look but you can’t see them; yet listen to your soul, close your eyes and breathe. The wings of angels can flutter in your heart, bringing that love to you that you so desperately need for you and yours.

  I wish you the will to try. I wish you the heart to make you strong and the people to care for you, to show you just how special you are to the spirit world and to the people who love you on Earth. Take back your life. Do not allow anyone to take it from you again. Take the hand of friendship that is offered, not out of fear but out of necessity. The people who can help you are brought to you, but you have to make the first step, that is always the case.

  Let go of the conditioning and the brainwashing. What do YOU want to do? Where do you want to be? Then take one step at a time. Walk, hold tight, keep your mind focused and believe in a better future and a better life, the one you deserve and the one that is rightfully yours. Escape the prison of your mind and fly. The stars are yours for the taking. You can be free.

  When you get there, the journey starts to be wonderful and the magic is only just beginning.

  Mind Power

  Your path has been very difficult for a while now and you just don’t know why. Let me advise you, dear ones. You are going through nothing short of rebirth, a complete changing of your life and your values.

  But the knowledge that you have gathered from the flow of your life can hold you back. Don’t fall for that trick. You can tap into the resources of your human spirit and your inner senses will guide you through the dark times. Your journey may not be easy, your path not always visible to you, and not everyone will agree with or love your choices, but you will instinctively know what is right for you. It is important now for you to follow this instinct, this knowing who you are or want to become. It is all you need and it is strong, so ignore all those who try to sway you from it with their hidden agendas or try to manipulate you for their personal gain.

  You may find yourself retreating, going back to basics, studying the past. Trace your path back as this is the wisdom inside you pushing you to do a check. Honour yourself, pay yourself the correct attention and you will not go wrong. Open your eyes and see the opportunities in all situations that surround you; believe all your experience can bring a positive air around you - a clearing and a moving forward. Listen to what is said to you, as advice can arrive from the strangest places at the most unlikely times. Remember to behave in a manner that reflects your soul.

  The proper use of your wisdom will happen when you live with the flow of your authenticity, being who you are. No sorrow, no regrets. All of these facets make you just perfect. Embrace all the feelings and the experiences. I know that some will be very difficult but they are yours. Look at it like this: within every river there are many bends, so it may meander where it needs. Each bend in the river is an adventure and with each lesson learned you will grow stronger and better than before. This knowledge will make your wisdom authentic and real. At that point you will then be able to apply
those truths to your life’s path, bringing to you all that you need.

  And no, don’t settle for second best, don’t just ask “Is this all there is?” Of course it isn’t. Use the power of your mind, use the knowledge, use the wisdom and you will be amazing.

  Light the Candle

  Light the candle, see the way

  flooding out upon the ground.

  Step from shadow into light

  and feel life spreading all around.

  With a tiny glow

  that special spark within will start

  to grow and flame until

  it fills your heart.

  It becomes more every day

  until you can’t see it for

  it’s just become a part of you

  and you are so much more.

  There will be times when you despair,

  lose faith, lose sight, can’t hear.

  “How am I meant to carry on?

  Does no-one see my tears?”

  But I am always with you

  and my love for you is strong;

  if you could just believe in me,

  I’ll help your path along.

  No, I can’t tell you what to do -

  you make your choices here.

  But I am by your side and I

  can take away your fear.

  Happiness is a State of Mind

  I have been watching you for a while, giving away all that you are in the pursuit of others’ happiness around you. And this somehow replaces your own happiness. You feel you can’t have it yourself, so you throw yourself into the lives of others to ‘fix’ them. That’s very noble but also very irresponsible. Your loyalty should be to yourself first, to make sure that you can provide yourself with the happiness that you deserve - as much as you can in the conditions that you create. You are no victim and no-one can tell you what path to take in your life.

  Look back at your memories - how do they make you feel? Memories are just fleeting pieces of time that hold unique pieces of information so we may recall them when needed, to remind us how something should or should not be. They are to be used and acknowledged, and then new ones made to complement the old. They are there to inspire us and make us feel warm and loved; but just as important are the memories that cause us pain, as they teach us to keep away as much as we can from those situations. Upbeat and positive is always preferable though; indeed we are able to create miracles with that particular energy, so try to enhance it a little every day.

  Happiness can be fleeting and yet it can also last a lifetime. It may be interspersed with sadness and anger, but that will be short-lived with the right attitude. We can choose not to accept any of the rubbish that arrives in our energy field from other people around us. So remember to protect yourself from those draining energies; draw in a band of beautiful white light around you, and let us do the work for you.

  When you feel the love in your heart then all is going very well. You will be happy. You may be one of the lucky ones who feel the love every day. But some people have one difficulty after another. You can always minimise the damage then and move the goalposts. All you have to do is ask for help. You can. You have the power, you are the light. Everyone’s experience is different - we are all meant to be different - but life is a matter of perspective.

  We want you to be happy, to feel loved and cared for. We create miracles every day in your lives - at least, for those who ask us! We love you.

  You Belong to You

  In this life, it is important to understand that your mind belongs to you. You can master it and not be mastered by it. There are places that your mind can take you to where a great peace and knowledge can be found. All you have to do is stop for a few minutes, to give yourself a chance to search for a place that suits you.

  So you need a few uninterrupted minutes where you can close your eyes and sink into a different reality, a place where you can see the people who have passed before you and where you can talk with them as if they were with you now. This is entirely possible. You just have to try to find that peace - a rare thing in your world, but achievable if you try. When you decide to do this for the first time, it may be that too many thoughts will interrupt. Don’t try to stop them - allow them to come in, acknowledge them then let them vanish. Imagine they are on a conveyor belt, see them and let them go.

  Wherever you find yourself when you meditate, just go with it. It may be a beach, a forest, on water or just an ordinary place. Go anyway, it’s all part of the journey so don’t question it. When you give yourself these moments regularly you will notice a change within yourself and in others around you, subtle and gentle yet the effects can be huge. It can bring great change. Everyone has the ability to go into this peace and be quiet. Everyone can feel the love that comes with these experiences; maybe not every time, but if you persevere you can gain great knowledge because you are altering the state you’re in, you are choosing something more. It is so important that you know about this. It’s not difficult, you just have to commit to yourself now. How hard can that be?

  This feel-good state is free to access and can give you great insight into problems that you may be experiencing. You may not always understand it at the time, but make a note of the experience in a journal and over time you will see a pattern or a message being made clear to you. That said, sometimes stubbornness can stop you from moving forward. You do not always know what is right for yourself! But if you listen, you will be led down the path that is correct for you. There will always be challenges, but every time you connect to the silence you will be given tips and tools to help you overcome them.

  Silence can be deafening. It’s hard to hear and just go with it, but don’t give up. Try it, you may find just what you are looking for to make everything fit. Never give up, as we never give up on you, and over time you will find that you will not be a slave to your mind any longer. You will realise that you are indeed the master and have been all along.

  Time Consciousness

  If you could turn back the hands of time, what exactly would you change? Would you be sorry for some of things you have said or done or even achieved at the expense of others? Would you wish your loved ones to be around, those who have left you, those in spirit and on the Earth? Would you be in a better position than you are now? How do you know this would be the case? That’s the trouble - you don’t. You actually know very little before it happens.

  We have all on occasions regretted some of the situations that have occurred in our lives, but they are done and we cannot take them back. We can, however, repair things a little. We have a chance to fix them here and now. The more we try now, the more the universe supports us. All we have to do is believe and have the intention to heal things. We are all capable of miracles.

  I want to tell you something mind-blowing. You are living more than one existence at one time and in each place you are the same, yet different, living different lives and gaining as much experience as you can to let your soul grow. There are times when all the pieces of you come together, but not often and when they do your consciousness expands.

  When you sleep, your consciousness does not; it travels. It’s only your body that needs the physical rest. There have been many descriptions of this and it’s hard to define it in a human way; there are many trying to prove it. Consciousness means that you perceive thoughts and feelings, which then cause your body to act in certain ways. But there are many levels of consciousness. When all your human vibrations are raised and eventually you work side by side with us daily, you will know about this and all will become clear, though that is some time away yet.

  That said, your conscious mind is much stronger than you can imagine. It has the capacity to affect physical life on many levels. What you think and what you believe, you can achieve. Intention is one of the most powerful thoughts in this universe and it all comes from your conscious mind. So ask yourself - what is your intention, what do you want to achieve? All is possible.

  If you allow your thou
ghts to be affected by others, then you allow them to influence your life and that should not be. It is your choice and your responsibility always to care for yourself as you care for others, for you are important to the plan. Some are even trying to manipulate consciousness for ill motives. But it can never be harnessed; each of us is an individual, each of us is imperfect, so no two will ever have the same mind. We have choice and free will, so there is always something that will get in the way.

  You should embrace all that you are. If you have had situations in your life where you could have handled things better and you know it - well, you made the choice. It’s difficult accepting that we are wrong and sometimes we really are! But no matter what you do, we don’t wish to alter you in any way. Equally, you may be right and someone else is wrong and it is just as frustrating for you when you cannot change this. All becomes clear when a soul reaches the world of spirit; everything is known and one’s whole life experience fits into place, bringing lightness of being.

  So always just try to improve yourself and others whom you can affect. Those who do not want to listen, do not make them part of your personal goal but let them go their own way as they will have to learn for themselves. There are only certain people who will actually listen, and it will be clear to you at the times what is needed. There will be no need to search. Words will be passed to you at the correct time in life by the correct people and they will make all the difference. This is as it should be. Meanwhile, never believe that you know someone else’s life better than they do, because you cannot - their path will not be the same as yours.

  The spirit world offers you the gift of ‘worry no longer’. The realities of Earth are that we attend the classes that have been set for us and achieve as much as we can in our lifetime. We chose it so we live it, laugh and cry through it, and it belongs to us whether we deem it to be right or wrong. So hold your head up and look forward, for it’s the future where the excitement lies and there are no more regrets. We look forward to meeting you later and seeing your face when the recognition strikes and you are free. Until then we watch over you every day. We can assist your dreams wherever they may take you. The possibilities are endless.