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Words to Ease Your Soul Page 8
Words to Ease Your Soul Read online
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We really do not leave at all. We can be with you in the blink of an eye, walking amongst you all the time, taking note of what you do. How come you never notice us? How come you never believe that we are with you? It is because you still rely too much on your physical senses when you should be using your hearts; the love that resides there is the force that links to us, it is your hearts that hold the key to feeling us. It is not by accident that words like ‘heartfelt’ and ‘affairs of the heart’ are used in situations relating to love on your plane of life, and you love to be ‘in love’ when your hearts melt with others’. That is the feeling we have every time we see you, every time we are in your company!
There is place where we come very close to you, a place that is inbetween both planes that you rarely remember when you experience it, and this is in your dreams. Dreaming is a linking of both worlds, a place freely available to all where you are more likely to accept guidance without resistance, where anything can happen and miracles can be created. I am here to tell you that this is not just in the night times but in daylight hours as well; your imagination can bring some beautiful images and thoughts with which you can create miracles. These images manifest in your imagination and can turn into reality if you so wish it. You are much stronger than you think or even know and you can tap into a limitless energy that is there for the taking.
Most of you are not really interested. All you do is struggle on the Earth plane and one has to ask why you do so when there is an alternative? If you need answers, ask. If you need results, ask. If you need to move forward in your life, ask for help to do it. It is in your hands. We are connected, we are family. There are many of you who have had dreams of family members while sleeping or in meditation and who would state that it was “very real”. I am here to tell you that it was. How does it make you feel, to know that they are so close? You just have to open your mind to the possibility that there may be something more than you think you know.
There is no need for complications. It is very easy. We love you regardless. Your family who have gone before watch over you, they hear your words of love for them and your pleas of how you wish they were near. And they are nearer than you think. So from this point on, we ask you to try to understand a little more, to try and develop self-belief so that love for you can grow and you may understand that we have not gone completely. We are right here, right now. What is it you would like to say or ask for? It is a pivotal moment so make it real, make it count; ask for what you need and we will make it happen and show you on the Earth that we are part of it, part of the whole.
You could not understand how many facets there are to the bigger picture so we leave that to the scientists of our two worlds. But a time will come when knowing that we are here will be accepted. There is much denial on Earth for various reasons, but do you not have a choice to be who you want to be and believe what you want to believe? In the fast pace of life this is often forgotten, but we know you are so much more.
We are all spirit. You are with a body and we are without but the same energy empowers us. The same energy shows us the path. It is the human mind that changes our experience and that is where choice and denial comes in. As a result of conditioning, some people see us as scary - but we are just the same as you, really we are! It’s just that we can now see the truth, whereas while on Earth you only see illusion.
We love you and are proud of you, every one of you. Each one has a soul to grow. This is the only part of you that matters and your choices decide how that soul will grow and at what speed. It is entirely up to you and it can be somewhat daunting to know that we are totally responsible for our actions. But remember that you are not alone on your path.
Close your eyes and what do you feel? You should feel a feather touch on your face, a gentle breeze, an unmistakeable feeling of love. Take that feeling and multiply it in your heart, send it out and it will come back to you threefold. It will bring miracles to you. Be positive. Love yourselves, with all your imperfections for I am here to tell you that to us you are perfect just as you are. Smile and know that you are loved and you will never be alone on the journey.
Spirit Guidance
Through the Window
I study you closely. Your face is nothing short of beautiful. Etched lines of experience stray from your eyes, your skin is smooth, weathered and bronzed. Your hair is long and shiny, tied back, and there is a coloured circle, a wheel, in your hair with a feather hanging down. Your mouth is serious but I am sure I can see the corners start to rise. What are you thinking to cause that semblance of a smile? You are a mystery.
We are seated opposite each other on a rug, rough but very colourful, most of it red; I can hear water and feel the outside breeze but I have no knowledge of where we are and indeed I do not care. This moment is precious, I know, but I do not know why. I say nothing but my thoughts are plenty and swim around my head, wanting to talk; but know I must keep my counsel. I sit and watch.
Around your neck I notice a bone necklace and you smile. It’s like you can hear my thoughts, hear my questions, and I realise I can hide nothing from you for we are connected. As I try to absorb all the details of this time, I wish you would speak to me. I wish I could ask questions. Normally I would be getting very frustrated as I would want to ask so much, but I am silent and wait for you to speak. I know you will when you are ready - you are strong and powerful and you give that to me. We never need many words for our connection.
I know we are connected... but how? And then you answer.
“We are connected by love, by a single thought which is all that is needed. The Great Spirit ensures that we have all we need in this life and the next. You ask so many questions that do not need to be asked. You spend so much time thinking and talking - you talk too much and spend very little time accepting the gifts that you have and the path you need to tread.
“Yes, we are connected and have been in many times. I know you well and you always have the same problem - you do not listen. I am not talking about with your ears but with your senses, your heart - leave your mind out of this, it has no part this time. So what is it that links us? What is the connection? It is love. It is only this that matters - love of you, love of me, love of kinship, respect, honour, trust. To give to another with love, to make you happy, to make them happy - what is better than that?
“Why do words have to be complicated, when sometimes it can take so few to let your heart soar - such as ‘I need you’ or ‘I love you’. Are these not beautiful words with great power within them to transform your life? What is more powerful than being who you are and who you need to be - even though you may not know what that is yet?
“So close your eyes and feel Wakan Tanka, feel the love that comes from the Source. It is there however you wish to receive it. We are part of the same soul group and that is why you know me so well. It is only your physical body that need a reply; we do not need words to talk, we only need to feel. We have done this many times and will continue to do so. Do not be scared, I walk by your side and keep you safe. I am a warrior. I loved the plains, I loved the winds that carried all the words I needed. I have learned, as will you.”
I sit transfixed listening to your voice, slow and deliberate, meaningful and resonant of something so long ago my mind can’t grasp it. You move your hair and touch the wheel.
“The colour red in this medicine wheel is important, it means fire, the sun, the beautiful rays that warm you and the ground, bringing forward new life. I have said I love the winds but the winds from the south are warm and they will strengthen you. I wish you red.”
With this you take my hand and stand, you feel real and solid and you smile at me like you’ll love me forever. My heart lifts and then sinks as my awareness moves forward and my consciousness returns back to the Earthly moment. I am still seated in the chair staring out of the window. The same view that took me to you, returns me to Earth. The door is open into the garden. I notice how strong the red flowers are blooming today in the corner
of the garden. I feel you with me, supporting and loving me. With you by my side I almost feel I could conquer anything. I say a silent ‘Thank you’. I see your face in my mind’s eye and I close my eyes to draw in a deep breath and steady myself. Suddenly a warm breeze gently blows onto my face and I feel a tear form in my eye.
I smile. No words are needed, I know you are there.
What’s your view of Heaven?
Let it go; it’s not the way you think it is -
you cannot know.
The love you need is right here,
so stop looking in Heaven for me
for I’m close enough for you to touch.
I could not entice you
or your soul to leave the Earth
nor charm you back, so be content.
With this life you live
you learn and grow;
you will develop all your energies
and the love that you can give.
Here and now,
all is as it should be;
so live your life and know that
I love you.
Pain and Suffering
There is so much pain and suffering in your world that affects the body, mind and spirit and your will. To act or not to act? To love or to hate? To give or to receive? All of you at some point will experience this, but I have come to tell you about something that can help you - something that is free, available to all and that can have a great effect on your lives. Within each of you is an energy that links to the Source. There is no more complicated description needed than this. It links via your heart and via your own energy field, which is all around your body at all times while you live in your body and for a short time thereafter.
And there is an energy that is sent to assist you; you call it healing. This is a slightly misunderstood word. Indeed, healing is given from one soul to another with the intention to send the love - light energy. This energy will then go to where it is needed within your aura and then into your physical, mental, emotional or spiritual self. It always knows its way. That said, there is always a level of responsibility within the receiver to accept the love, and you would be surprised how many find that difficult. The truth is that it may not ‘cure’. Many people think they will feel put back together when they have it, and indeed there are many that are. But there are many factors involved.
To us the most important time for healing is at the end of one’s life. You may ask what the point of it is then, when it’s all over? That may be so for your Earthly life but the blending of energies can help with one’s passing to the spirit world; keeping the physical and mental selves calm and assisting the transition itself, helping the person to see the truth. You will have to take my word for that.
There are many healers on your Earth with amazing love and strength. Just to clarify for you - the healing comes from energy. I once heard it described as the energy that makes the plants grow and the trees bloom, and that is so true. The energy comes through the healer and into you. Sometimes you may feel heat, sometimes you may feel cold and tingles; sometime you may feel nothing and some people feel nervous. There is no need to be, for it’s all about love. There are healers who incorporate psychic surgery too. There is no need to berate these people; they know the risks they take in claiming to do what they do. But we want you to know that we support them completely. They all have teams on the side of spirit that work with them for your benefit.
You need to know that no matter who you are the love is there for all of you, the energy is there for all of you. It cannot run out - in fact, there is so much that we want you to use more of it as the more you use the stronger you will become. I don’t mean physically but mentally. You will be able to take all that comes your way, one thing at a time.
The forwards steps you have made in science have not yet even scratched the surface of the possibilities that are available for your world. But we do know that healing is starting to be used in your hospitals and that doctors have seen benefits of it. The healing power of love and light is your medicine and it was there before your doctors and your modern medicines and it will be there afterwards. We know that if people only opened their minds just a little, and allowed healing on themselves all the time and not just when they were sick, they would see great benefits. The capacity for pain relief, to calm minds for the confused and even to heal the most serious of diseases, is there. But also know this: if it is your time to pass, then you will, and no amount of healing will stop it. Sometimes one’s lifestyle make one ill - what one does, the vices one has. No-one is judging that, but the body is a machine and they don’t all work the same way due to the energy around you. What you bring around you affects your energy; so be positive, it makes all the difference.
The human mind has the most amazing capacity, the breadth of which has not even been touched on in your world. The power of the thought process can create miracles in your life. Healing can also be sent over great distances. When there is great tragedy, there is always a great outpouring of grief; you are programmed like this, as this love helps all the sick and departed. People are spurred into action and the need to love one another is great. If you could only apply that all the time, what a different world you would live in!
Everyone is responsible for all their actions. So how do you want to be perceived? If you all made that small change and sent out your healing thoughts daily, they would rise up to join all the others in ‘a rope of hope’ that would be sent around the world to wherever it was needed. It costs you nothing at all, just a moment of life to give to so many. You are all able to do this if you wish to. That’s the key - do you want to give to a stranger, no matter what their lives are like? They may seem to have more than you, be better than you, but do they really? How can you know someone unless you have walked in their shoes? So don’t be too quick to make judgements and remember this when you join in with someone who is being unkind to another, as what you give out you will also receive back.
One of the greatest gifts that you have in your lives is hope. You always have it and you always will, there in the lightest of moments and the darkest places. It will shine through all the barriers that you put up and there is no substance on Earth that it cannot penetrate. So send love to the leaders of your world, to be guided by their hearts instead of their minds; send it to the individual on the street and across the world and to your family. Trust your instincts and stand up and be counted, for the power is within each individual and all are as strong as each other. That joint power can create miracles. Do not be afraid for we are watching and encouraging you to move forward with the love and the healing that abounds.
So are you prepared to try? Are you prepared to see what it is like? You can find healers everywhere in your churches. There are healing organisations and indeed many of our communication channels are healers, as mediums know the energy involved already. It is a much higher vibration where this is found. Search it out, find the energy for yourself and believe in yourself. It is your choice to be who you are and no-one has the right to dictate what you do; so be an individual and part of the cosmic love. We are there waiting.
The Door is Open
Did you know that you are never blocked from what you need - not by us anyway? You do tend to do this to yourselves though, and we try to tell you, but you do not listen! When you were children the inner voice seemed so clear; but as you grow more connected to your Earth the voice grows dim - unless you choose to listen all your life. To do this you have to understand that we exist. Many of you do not, or decide that we are not there because that is easier than coping with something that may test your beliefs and stretch your understanding. Tell me, what is wrong with that? You all need a challenge in your lives, or what would be the point? You have to grow your soul.
Imagine your life is a beautiful garden and the people in it are as transient as nature. You have a big old tree that grows at your back, protecting and watching over you, which stretches its roots deep into the eart
h and grows high into the sky. This is your spirit, strong and beautiful, connected to the physical and the spirit worlds. Then there will be other trees where the roots support one another and hold the ground fast beneath, and flowers that grow in seasons, some lasting for many and some only for a few. The time they need to be with you is all that is needed; don’t try and stop this happening as it is already written. You are the main character in the story and what a beautiful story it is. It is the story of you and the possibilities are endless.
So what flowers do you like in your garden? The choice is all down to you. If you don’t want weeds you don’t have to have them; but don’t you find amazing health-giving properties in some of these unconsidered plants? Remember, appearances are not everything. They may be some of the smallest of the plant kingdom, but may also be very powerful in making or breaking a situation. There is always a responsibility that comes with choice, so please be careful what you ask for. If it doesn’t work out, that can be scary and put you off trying something new. But we are listening, we are watching and we can help to some degree, so just ask. It may well be the time for your garden to bloom and for you to see miracles.
Enjoy your secret garden of the soul as it is always there, full of colour and delight; give it the credence and the assistance it requires and it will bloom all your life. There will always be enough love, strength and purpose to sustain you. For those who have not found the garden yet, because the door is closed, all you have to do is to want it, to have the intention, and then the key will automatically turn in that door and reveal the magic that is you. Feel yourself in all your strength. See yourself in all your colours and reflect that into your life.
Maybe it is time now. Maybe you have acknowledged who you are? We are waiting on the other side of the door to welcome you. Our arms will wrap around you and we will never let you go, for once you have found it your life will grow like the garden in amazing beauty. Yes, sometimes the rain will fall but this will sustain you, refresh you, and although you may get damp you can always find shelter! So wait for the rain to subside then shake yourself off and be on your way. The garden always needs tending.